Chicken Soup for the Girlfriend's Soul: Celebrating the Friends Who Cheer Us Up, Cheer Us On and Make Our Lives Complete (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

By Unknown Author.

Chicken Soup for the Girlfriend's Soul: Celebrating the Friends Who Cheer Us Up, Cheer Us On and Make Our Lives Complete (Chicken Soup for the Soul)


An inspiring and humorous celebration of the special bond of friendship. She championed you through your years wearing braces and you calmed her nerves before her walk down the aisle. She advised you on what to wear to land your perfect job and you taught her how to get her newborn to sleep during a midnight phone call. Together you've dug through your backyard looking for pirate's treasure and dug through bargain bins during shopping outings; you’ve shared your secrets, doubts and dreams; and you look forward to conquering hot flashes together. You may have met her in kind...


0757301541, 9780757301544


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